Meet the Officers & Board

WOW Officers

Sally Snyde, President  Business Owner, Snyde Vineyards; retired manufacturer representative in Lawn and Garden Industry; Past President, Lodi Rotary Club; Sponsorship Chair for the 2004 and 2005 American Cancer Society Lodi Relay for Life; Co-Chair for the 2005, 2006 and 2007 American Cancer Society Stockton/Lodi Gala; Member of the Lodi Memorial Hospital Community Advisory Board; Lodi Hall of Fame 2011; Lodi Tourism Advocate of the Year 2015; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, B.S. Biology.

Barbara den Hartog, Vice President  Business Owner, den Hartog International Farms; farm management; University of San Francisco, B.S. Nursing.

Anne Weisenberg, Secretary  Professor and Program Coordinator for the Multiple Subject Credential Program at California State University, Stanislaus; Experience includes more than 20 years of teaching in reading interventions, special education, and working with English learners; Coached and provided professional development opportunities for classroom teachers; California State University, Chico, B.A.; California State University East Bay, MS.; St. Mary’s College of California, EdD.

Rich Mullenbach, Treasurer Financial Operations Manager, General Mills, Lodi, CA, retired; Charter member of the San Joaquin County, Habitat for Humanity; Minnesota State University, Mankato, B.A. Business Administration, Finance.

WOW Board of Directors

Shawn Crary  Business Owner, Shawn Crary Co., Shawn has over 30 years of graphic design and marketing experience.  He has been awarded for Best Niche Publication/Magazine by the California Newspaper Publishers Association, Small Business Person of the Year by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, and was nominated for an international Maxi Award for Live! At Lincoln Center. He has served as a board member for and a handful of non-profit organizations including the Miracle Mile Improvement District, San Joaquin Pride Center, and was elected to Stockton’s Chief of Police’s Advisory Committee.

Christine Franklin Partner with Kemper CPA Group LLP, CPA for years and has worked for Kemper CPA Group for years. Currently specializes in tax and accounting for nonprofit organizations. Works with small business with tax preparation, consulting and accounting services.  Member of Lodi Sunrise Rotary; Treasurer Lodi Sunrise Rotary, Past Treasurer American Association University Women;  Past Board member of the American Lung Association and San Joaquin Community Blind Center; Registration Chair for 2012 American Cancer Society Lodi Relay for Life; 2013 Graduate of the Leadership Lodi Class, and currently serves on the Board for Lodi Community Foundation. B.S. in Accounting, California State University, Sacramento.

Jerry Fry  President/CEO, Mohr-Fry Ranches (since 1855), Diversified Farmer; Past President, Lodi Rotary Club; Board of Directors, Lodi District Chamber of Commerce; Past Chairman, Director, California Association of Winegrape Growers; Volunteer Fireman, Director, President, Woodbridge Rural Fire District (25 Years); Past Trustee Board Member, Chair of Finance and Pastor-Staff Relations, Lodi First United Methodist Church; University of California Berkeley, and UC Davis, B.S and M.S. Soil Science.

Mamie Starr  Born in Big Bear Lake; Worked in the family shooting gallery, snow rental and arcade business; Worked in the land use and school facility planning field for 42 years, building numerous schools and other projects in Lodi Unified School District; Chair of the California Coalition for Adequate School Housing and VisitLodi;  Currently holds offices in several local organizations, including the Lodi Sandhill Crane Association; Has almost 50 years of volunteer service with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as a dove bander, hunter education instructor, and Sandhill crane docent;  Graduated from Cal State University, Los Angeles with a BA in Geography and an MPA from the University of San Francisco.

Jamie Vilinskas Marketing & Business Development Administrator, Stockton Metropolitan Airport. Jamie has over a decade of experience in marketing and business/economic development, working with nonprofits, local businesses, and government. In 2009, Jamie joined the World of Wonders Science Museum as the Educational Program Coordinator and has continued to support its mission since.